Duke Powerpoint

Duke Powerpoint. Duke is in an brouhaha about a highly detailed “piece of ass listing” that a recent female grad created — in duke PowerPoint, complete with penis-size ratings and unclean talking copies. We’ve got that papers, and talked solely to the now-contrite source. Upon graduating, the writer made up one’s mind to pass on the wiseness she had instructed, in thesis format. The field : “An pedagogy beyond the schoolroom : standing out in the kingdom of horizontal academicians”.

Duke Powerpoint. The xiii bailiwicks are each led by a tableau of pictures of the adult males, most of which look to be drawn from Facebook and acrobatic natural action blastoffs. (There are sets of jocks on the listing, including many instrumentalists from Duke’s lacrosse squad, whose behaviour has come up under examination in the past times, though they were realised of misconduct.) .